Press Release

New partnership for AI-based project data management



ALLPLAN cooperates with the start-up elevait

Munich - ALLPLAN, provider of BIM solutions for the AEC industry, has entered into a technology partnership with elevait, provider of enterprise software based on artificial intelligence (AI), to make it easier for the construction and real estate industry to access its own project data.

For years, the construction industry has been generating and archiving ever-increasing amounts of data. This applies to designers and contractors, but also to building owners and public organizations. 80 percent of this data is so-called dark data. This means that it is not being used to add value to the business and is also costing money. In particular, information in plan archives, data management systems and project rooms is distributed, difficult to search and often outdated and redundant.

This is where the partnership between ALLPLAN and elevait comes in. The AI start-up specializes in using AI to transform data archives into valuable sources of knowledge that create high added value for companies and public institutions. In its solution portfolio, elevait offers an intelligent search engine for proprietary documents such as plans, contracts, invoices, quotations and delivery notes. Through AI-based process management, the software reduces repetitive tasks and increases efficiency and quality within the company. 

"The collaboration between ALLPLAN and elevait in the field of AI promises to be a game-changer in the construction industry. Through the efficient use of company data, construction companies can significantly increase their efficiency and productivity and gain a clear competitive advantage," says Dr Detlef Schneider, CEO of ALLPLAN. 
Dr Günther Möckesch, Managing Director of elevait, adds: "This partnership promises to fundamentally change the way construction projects are planned, executed and managed. Innovative AI solutions will eliminate the dark figures of unused data and replace them with valuable knowledge.  This will enable companies and public organizations to implement their projects more efficiently in terms of resources such as time, budget and material use".

Dr. Detlef Schneider, CEO ALLPLAN and Dr. Günther Möckesch, CEO elevait handshaking after signing the partnership of their companies
Dr. Detlef Schneider, CEO ALLPLAN and Dr. Günther Möckesch, CEO elevait shaking hands after signing the partner contract.
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