Who We Are

More Than Just Software — We Give AI a Personality

The elevait team brings together more than 90 experts from all over the world at two locations in Triberg in the Black Forest and in the Saxon state capital Dresden. Every day, we work on our shared vision to support companies and organizations of all sizes with AI technology.


The History of elevait

How it All Began


It all began back in the mid-1990s with the activities of our founder and managing director Günther Möckesch in Silicon Valley for SAP. During this time, the innovative idea was born to develop novel, reusable data structures for business objects in enterprise software.


After many successful years in the USA, the desire to return to Germany grew. Here, the idea of how generic data structures can be combined with artificial intelligence and thus automate business processes was further developed. The result is the company elevait, which successfully solves today's complex challenges in a wide variety of digitization projects using proprietary software products.


As early as 2015, a research and development team was formed in Dresden with our second founder Martin Voigt, which worked in particular on projects in the area of knowledge graphs and machine learning. This team of five employees is the core team of today's elevait GmbH & Co. KG, which was founded in 2021.


An employee-centered and respectful corporate culture with an agile mindset has been the basis of our cooperation since the company was founded. On this basis, our team has more than 90 employees from 17 countries. Today, it has the necessary expertise, clout and agility to offer innovative business software based on AI — always at the cutting edge of research and available technologies.


It all began back in the mid-1990s with the activities of our founder and managing director Günther Möckesch in Silicon Valley for SAP. During this time, the innovative idea was born to develop novel, reusable data structures for business objects in enterprise software.


After many successful years in the USA, the desire to return to Germany grew. Here, the idea of how generic data structures can be combined with artificial intelligence and thus automate business processes was further developed. The result is the company elevait, which successfully solves today's complex challenges in a wide variety of digitization projects using proprietary software products.


As early as 2015, a research and development team was formed in Dresden with our second founder Martin Voigt, who worked in particular on projects in the area of knowledge graphs and machine learning. This team of five employees is the core team of today's elevait GmbH & Co. KG, which was founded in 2021.


An employee-centered and respectful corporate culture with an agile mindset has been the basis of our cooperation since the company was founded. On this basis, our team has more than 90 employees from 17 countries. Today, it has the necessary expertise, clout and agility to offer innovative business software based on AI — always at the cutting edge of research and available technologies.

Sustainable Solutions With AI

At elevait, we are convinced that artificial intelligence will be an essential support for us in everyday life in the future: AI-based software that supports employees in their daily work. Repetitive work, which is automated in order to optimally promote skilled workers and contribute to the well-being of all employees in the company by relieving the workload.

The elevait suite enables organizations to sustainably increase the innovative capacity and competitiveness of organizations. We provide companies with tailor-made AI components. Our premise is the use of generic components, which do not have to be developed from scratch for every project.

Why is that sustainable? The less training is required, the fewer resources are spent building the models and deploying the solution. It is therefore economically and ecologically sustainable to implement initial automations using the existing generic data structures.

Agile Methods

Personal responsibility and knowledge-based decisions, together with agile Scrum and Kanban methods, form the basis for successful cooperation.


Our team consists of talents from all over the world, trained in various areas and domains. With this strong know-how, we work together on elevait's mission.


We identify the aspects that create the greatest added value for our customers and consistently focus on them. Each team promotes specific aspects of product development.


Curiosity about current technologies, the latest research findings and their productive use is a central anchor point in our team's mindset.

Where can We be Found?


Hauptstraße 60
78098 Triberg im Schwarzwald

Development Site

Antonstraße 2
01097 Dresden
