Data Security

Data Security as a Priority in Every Project

Working with the applicable data protection regulations in customer projects is an essential part and priority in our cooperation. We ensure the continuous protection of our projects and set our standards above the applicable standards in operational implementation.


Highest Safety Standards

Models with AI Made in Germany

For elevait, data security is paramount in every respect — and especially when our AI models are trained with real data. With a team of experts, we are committed to compliance with all safety standards and also ensure this through regular updates from TÜV-Süd.

We know what is important when working in accordance with GDPR!

Order Processing

The first step on the path of cooperation begins with the signing of the order processing agreement (AVV). The content of this agreement gives both parties the security of proper data processing and is based on data protection law in accordance with Article 28 GDPR.
We are happy to make the AVV available for review and cross-checking in advance.

Click Here for the Contact Form

Secure Data Management

All data and communication content are stored in encrypted form. This also applies to data transmission, which is carried out exclusively in a standardized manner via SSL encryption. The respective customer data is stored independently of each other and can only be accessed externally via an appropriate VPN network.
The persons authorized to access are kept to a minimum for this purpose.

We use the customer data provided exclusively for the purpose of training our AI models and only as long as our customers agree and define the deadlines themselves.

Synthetic Data

When working with highly sensitive data, the amounts of data required for training can be supplemented with synthetic data generated by elevait. This guarantees optimal training with the required diversity and amount of data.

Individual Deletion Periods

In accordance with customer-specific requirements, the data and extraction results can be stored at any time and also deleted. Compliance with the deletion deadlines is automatically checked and removal is initiated accordingly. This also involves constant check-ups and monitoring by our data security team.

Sustainably Made & Hosted in Germany

For us, an important element in our daily work is taking ecological effects into account when developing our AI models. Among other things, we use climate-friendly cloud technologies for our server hosting in Germany. This is done with our partner Cloud & Heat Technologies, among others. Another essential component lies in the innovative combination of generalistic and domain-specific knowledge, which makes it possible for elevait to reduce training costs in well-known industries to a minimum.

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Gregor Blichmann

